A wise quote leads to a new ‘twist’ on an old tool. whaaat?

Hey Builders!

While I cant tell you who originated the quote, “ If it isnt broke, dont fix it “ I sure did hear it plenty from my dad as I grew up.

Thanks Dad!  That didn’t stop me from taking things apart, trying to figure how they worked or make them faster, cooler, more shiny, more functional, or just some-how “better”  than it was.

That unexplainable need to make things better, easier and more functional, at least in this case… is the driving idea behind the launch of ~ Sig80BitKits.com ~ and the products that are available (and on sale) here.

To me, the JSD Jig and MUP’s are obviously a pair of leading Co-Stars. When you decide buy and build a P-320 compatible insert, there’s nothing else- however, with regard to the additional tools you need to complete a MUP-1, the supplemental drill bits (supporting actors) that are included with a jig purchase leave A Lot to be desired. The same goes for the so-called “drill sets” offered on other websites- which claim to be made in USA but show up with “Made In Brazil” stamped on them. Or the bits are tossed in a sand-which bag like scraps- and for some reason consist of different types of bits not exactly meant for this build purpose. Im sure I am not the only one, but in my experience, some drill bits were Oxide finish, some were bright, none are Cobalt… some are 135 degree, some were even 118 degree (typical for soft materials but not stainless steel)… Very inconsistent and incorrect for what your trying to accomplish. It was a literal mixed bag of bits.

Everywhere I looked and spent money purchasing Jig Drill Bit Sets… what seemed like a good deal… was a waste of time, money and effort. -as important as they are to the build- they always seemed to be an afterthought. But they don’t have to be (nor should they be).

Now that you know where I am coming from, I must say I do not mean any ill will or offense @JSD Supply! The JSD Jig & MUPs are truly legendary STARS in the development and innovation of the alternate Sig build option! And, I cant wait for the Mup-247! So, heres hoping JSD continues to focus on getting that new jig design up for sale, builds up their inventory for both JIG / MUP options… and lets me handle the drill bits for both!

To the seasoned builders, if you have ever built your own P-320 Insert using the provided tool options, I think you probably know what Im saying? It only took me one attempt on my 1st MUP-1 build to decide there must be a better way. Granted a drill press makes a difference as well, but not everyone completing a build has a drill press. And with the drill bits I am offering, it really isnt necessary, just much easier.

To the 1st time builders, skip the needless torment of machining stainless steel with inferior tools like I mentioned earlier. Just because they are included doesnt mean you should or have to use them. Invest a little money now on our BITs-Kits, and less time machining and fighting with the Stainless Steel, -so you can spend a lot more money and time shopping for fancy optics and slides for your new build…

In the end, while there is nothing complex about the idea of the improved options for the build to go better- But… There is a better way and its a simple click away!

Its here, available to you, now. BITs-Kits give you a much better experience with high quality, consistent, American made drill bits plus each purchase comes with a tried and true cutting oil. All at an affordable price.
